Visit our showroom : 6 Royan Place, Bayswater North, Victoria 3153
Based on the age and the condition of your unit, an average air conditioner should last between 10-15 years. The durability and the efficiency of your air conditioner unit can often come down to how well maintained your system is, and whether or not regular services are performed on your unit. If you’re curious about the age and the state of your AC unit or system, rest assured our team here at Maroondah Heating and Cooling can take a look for you.
At Maroondah Heating and Cooling, we believe having your air conditioner serviced in your Melbourne home regularly is vital. In general, we recommend getting your AC checked every 6 months or at least twice a year. This will ensure your unit or system is performing at its best consistently without any issues. Get in touch with our locally based team today to enquire about our services.
There are a few signs you need to be on the lookout for when deciding if your air conditioner system needs to be replaced. Among other issues, the most common signs your AC needs to be replaced is when your system starts to blow hot air, releases strange odours or makes loud noises when turned on. Other signs can include things such as less air blowing out of your vents, or if your thermostat is not reading properly. We suggest getting in touch with our team here at Maroondah Heating and Cooling today to find out whether you need to replace your air conditioning unit or simply service it. Melbourne locals can give us a call on 03 9738 2000 now to find out more.
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